52 Ancestors At the station

At the Station

At the Kellerberin station dad  and mum  met

Love at first sight!  I can’t imagine in that crowd

for the station was alive with kids 250

All tired, some running wild, some screaming loud.

Everything they owned was on the troop train

That was taking them from Perth for safety sake,

For the japs had sent 2 mini subs to Rottnest

They had been spotted from the turret at their place.

Perhaps they thought that Rottnest was a good place

To launch a Perth offensive from that isle

Or maybe they knew that Rottnest had a lunch bar

And were looking for a sandwich and an ale!

The yanks they came and said Please move the kids out

We are taking over here this very day

It’s not safe to stay your turret is a lookout

You all are going inland safe to stay.

So that’s how mum met dad ‘twas so romantic

He was there to meet the train with kids on board,

He took them to the drapers store and hostel

Where they’d stay for the duration of the war.

On holidays my parents drove here often

But always they would stop and celebrate

The day they met at  Kellerberin station

For  not long after that they set the date.

