2022 week 6 52 Ancestors


sometimes a surprise comes from something quite expected, like your children jumping out and saying Bo when playing hide and seek.
But this surprise really came as a blast from the past .
About 15 years ago I had been looking for a book that very carefully gave details of a large chunk of my English ancestors families

The book was called The Higgs family of Berkshire England! We found a copy but it had just been sold on a rare book site , I could not have got it anyway because it sold for over $400 English pound. That alone put it out of my reach.

But a huge surprise came last year in about August, a friend in England had discovered that it had been digitised and was available free on line . How he remembered was totally beyond me but remember he did, and sent me a message with a link to where I could access it . It is an incredible book with so much information that I have not yet finished reading it . Oh yes and well over 400 very large pages, but it does have an index!

My eternal thanks go to Chris for having the memory of an elephant and realising when he saw it what it actually was, it was a treasure trove of information.