52 Ancestors Family Photo week 8

Week 8 family photo

We took a family photo at a reunion years ago

I’m so very glad we took it for life changes as you know

For in this family photo we’re all cousins smiling wide

Happy to be together in the Blegg family we take pride

But if we take another photo quite depleted it will be

For in 2021 5 cousins lost the fight

3 siblings from one family a girl and two boys

The boys had served in Vietnam and cancer was their plight

Two other cousins went the same it was a year so sad

We could not even meet up  for the funerals as we should

We stayed at home and watched the few who gathered at the church

Said our goodbyes by phone for email seemed quite cold.

Next time we get together if a next time is to be

We’ll remember those who have gone on Like Jan, Stan and Lindsay.

And we may take another photo maybe one with our kids

And remember oft with fondness the cousins that we miss.