52 Ancestors Youngest

Sometimes the youngest is very young

A tribute to miscarried, early born, and still born young ones

With Love to The Little Ones

With love remembering those little ones
that never made a breath.
Or left this Earth after such a short visit,
we have no photo to fill the frame
no place to visit, place flowers or mourn,
Never knowing what you would become.
We cry in sorrow for you are gone,
that little spot that you would fill
will forever be empty, no other can fill
the space that was yours, and yours alone
my little one you are safe in God’s arms.
But I wish it was my arms,
for the place you should be
is here by my side to grow old with me,
but that was not so, and all I can do
is share my love though a little poem

for those un-named those tiny souls.
but were loved by a mother
so close to her heart
now God please keep these little ones
in a place that is cosy, safe and warm.

While they wait with you for Mum.

Bleggy August 2007