52 ancestors week 24 Fathers day

To find my great grandfather was a real problem but one day a person who went by the name in the first line of this poem contacted me and asked could this possibly be him?

I can’t find a copy of this with the date but it was many years ago when I first met Sue Wyatt on line.


To TasTeach ,I thank you, for helping us find

an elusive great granddad a convict I’m told,

though no one would speak of him when I was young

sh! we don’t talk of those things near anyone


He came to a strange land, in chains in the hull

Of the ship Somersetshire arriving in May,

In the drizzling rain with snow on the peak

Above Hobart town, oh! place cold and bleak


They were told it was sunny in a place close to hand

So convicts disillusioned were herded to land

Then sent all to places in deep and dense bush cold

One wrong turn could loose them their life they were told.


So they slaved and they waited their time to be done

in the hope that to England they would one day return

to their wives and their children and to their family

but in sadness they realized it was not to be.


7 years was forever, forever for all

this land it would claim, hold them enthrall!

names not whispered in Britain sh! to the young,

We don’t mention them now to any one


but now their descendants will gather again

the generations so proudly and loudly proclaim

we  honour our  ancestors convict and free

they claimed the South  Land for you and for me


Now we trace out our tree and we publish it wide

We don’t whisper now we are proud we won’t hide

Our ancestry now , we ask your assistance

And strangers come forth brick walls give no resistance


So thanks to the many who help in the search

Who use their resources and make our trees work

They grow like an gum planted in the sunshine

Because of your kindness and giving your time


When you get to heaven and your ancestors you meet

If you volunteered there will be a seat

For you to sit down on and the rest they will wait

On you for a change! and me? I think that is great.

