52 Ancestors in 52 weeks: A maiden Aunt.

How do you find a maiden Aunt when there does not seem to be one.
I did have an Aunty that I thought when I was young, no way would she be married, she was so much like my school teacher, Miss P……s but it turned out she was married, and she was just like my elderly Miss P…..s because they were both school teachers of advancing years. So that Aunt was removed from the obvious as a maiden Aunt.
There were other maiden Aunts in my life but they were not actually any relation to me, there was Aunty M.., who when mum was sick stepped in to help and we as children could not wait for mum to get better as Aunty M was an absolutely terrible cook, thinking back I doubt she could boil water so not sure how she made it to such advanced years, or maybe she just looked older than she really was.
I don’t think I should call someone a maiden Aunt if they passed away at a very young age, that would not be fair nor right.
So I still haven’t found a maiden Aunt. But I am still looking.

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